
St. Mike’s 180: Rooted in the Future

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St. Mike’s 180: Rooted in the Future
is the University’s strategic plan, designed to illuminate the way
to our 180th anniversary in 2032. Its focus rests on
academics, community, and sustainability.

Foundational Statements

The Catholic Intellectual Tradition: A Search for Intellectual, Spiritual and Social Wholeness

Rooted in the Judeo-Christian understanding of the dynamic relationship between faith and reason, the Catholic Intellectual Tradition may be described as an ongoing, two-millennia “conversation” that continues to explore and understand the complex relationship between humanity and the cosmos. This systematic search for truth and meaning recognizes the inestimable contribution that science, philosophy, history, works of literature and art, and trans-cultural devotional practices can contribute to the dialogue. Essentially, this tradition develops new knowledge through the critical engagement of its rich heritage with reality as we humans experience it. It stands at the forefront of many of the great scientific discoveries in history, and addresses questions about the transcendent, such as “who is God” and “why does evil exist?” This search for wholeness underscores St. Michael’s foundational commitments both to interdisciplinary teaching and research, to community, and to promoting and building up the common good. 


The University of St. Michael’s College will be a recognized leader in promoting respectful dialogue and action on care for our common home (Laudato si’) and solidarity with the human family (Fratelli Tutti).


Grounded in the Catholic intellectual tradition, and committed to the education of the whole person,
the University of St. Michael’s College
challenges all its members to exercise transformative leadership in service of the common good and care of all creation.


Human Dignity: We affirm and respect the intrinsic value of each person.

Community: We foster and celebrate an environment of hospitality and inclusivity.

Social Justice: We treat everyone in a fair
and equitable manner.

Service: We invite all persons to develop their unique gifts to build up the common good.

Sustainability: We are accountable for making wise use of the resources entrusted to us.

Springtime at St. Mike's; Brennan Hall and Elmsley Lane
Springtime at St. Mike’s: Brennan Hall and Elmsley Lane

Approved by the Collegium of the University of St. Michael’s College on December 9, 2020.
