
Reclaiming Our Role in Society

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Our roots run very deep. For over a century and a half, St. Mike’s has defined itself as an educational community committed to exploring the truth in all things, and to helping young people find themselves and their way in the world. We take great pride in this place and its people, a community that has nourished and inspired generations of students who, in turn, have gone on to serve the broader community and shaped the very fabric of Canadian society.

As Sr. Nuala Kenny states so eloquently, “St. Michael’s can help reclaim the role of the university in the building of society.” We aspire to nothing less. To do so, we must understand that the term Catholic in a university setting like St. Michael’s needs to be a verb and not an adjective; not simply a body of knowledge, but a way of doing things: how we teach and learn and how we put that knowledge in the service of the common good.

I learned long ago that a president’s role is really quite simple: to support good people with good ideas, and then to get out of the way. At St. Mike’s, we are blessed with remarkable faculty, staff, trustees, and alumni. Our students are, quite rightly, at the centre of everything we do, and are inspiring agents of innovation and change. They love this place, they are smart and creative, they seek justice, and they are not afraid to serve. So, this is really what St. Mike’s 180, our new strategic plan, is all about, unleashing the power of our community for the good of St. Mike’s, the good of all of U of T, and for the world. And, in this President’s Report, I would like you to meet just a few of the many good people in our community, and to learn about our hopes for the future and a few of the initiatives we have begun together to renew our university and reclaim the role of St. Michael’s in the building of society. 

David Sylvester

David Sylvester, PhD
President and Vice-Chancellor

David Sylvester, PhD President and Vice-Chancellor
David Sylvester, PhD President and

We take great pride in this place and its people, a community that has nourished and inspired generations of students who, in turn, have gone on to serve the broader community and shaped the very fabric of Canadian society.
