Donor Report 2020-2021
Giving In Memory, In Honour, and Realized Bequests
Receiving an award from an alumnus really shows the strong community at St. Michael’s College. I look forward to being more involved in this community in future years.
— St. Michael’s student
In Memory
G. W. Alexandrowicz
Claude Arnold, CSB
Shane Beal
George M. Belcastro
David Belyea, CSB
Fred Benninger
Gloria Buckley
Joan A. Bulger
Professor Peter Christoffersen
Marie Nola Czerny
Johanna D’Agostino, IBVM
Davide L. De Luca
Dr. Artemis Diamantouros
John Englert
Katalin Englert
Gary Fischer
Roy Foss
Mary Louise Graham
J. Barrett Healy
Ted Holden
Gail Horan
Fatima Irish
Norman Iversen, CSB
John M. Kelly, CSB
Robert J. F. Madden, CSB
M. Carmel McEnroy, RSM
Martin McGreevy
Edward O’Keefe
Jean C. O’Keefe
Walter Principe, CSB
Joan E. Scanlon
Ralph T. Smialek
In Honour
Mark McGowan
Robert J. McLaughlin
Duane Rendle
Ken Schnell
Realized Bequests
(2 Anonymous)
The Estate of Helen F. Brunelle
The Estate of Barbara Blake
The Estate of Ann Marshall
The Estate of John G. Maskey