Thank you for giving to St. Mike's

Donor Report 2020-2021

$1 Million+ (Cumulative Lifetime Giving)

I donate to SMC because I believe in the power of paying it forward. When I was a student, I benefitted from scholarships and student aid which helped me complete my education. I never forgot that alumni and people I had never met helped me achieve my goals. Now that I’m in a position to give back, I feel that it’s my duty and privilege to be able to help the next generation of SMC students achieve their goals too.

— Teresa-Anne Martin, 0T5,
member of the Young Alumni Committee and monthly donor.

$1 Million+ (Cumulative Lifetime Giving)

We acknowledge with gratitude the following donors, who have donated $1 million or more to the University of St. Michael’s College. Their generosity & extraordinary commitment is deeply appreciated.

Archdiocese of Toronto

Joseph J. Barnicke †

Basilian Fathers of Etobicoke

Basilian Fathers of Toronto

Basilian Fathers of the University of St. Michael’s College

John Bennett & Diana Collins Bennett

Tony Comper

Dan Donovan

Roy Foss

Bernard E. Hynes †

The Patrick & Barbara Keenan Foundation

Hugh J. Meagher †

The Estate of Maureen Mogan

Frank & Helen Morneau

The F. K. Morrow Foundation

Marco Muzzo †

Louis L. & Patricia M. Odette

The Estate of Tony Mark Omilanow

St. Michael’s College Students

Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto

Sorbara Family: Sam Sorbara, The Sam Sorbara Charitable Foundation, Edward Sorbara, Gregory

Sorbara, Joseph Sorbara & Marcella Tanzola

Tom & Marilyn Sutton

The Estate of Ethelmae Sweeney

Gifts listed in this report were received in the fiscal year 2020–2120 (between May 1, 2020, and April 30, 2021).   Deceased ❖ Matching Gift Company

More in the Donor Report