The Fr. Robert Madden, CSB, Leadership Awards
Congratulations to the 2021 Award Recipients
Fr. Robert Madden was a much-admired professor, chaplain and Basilian Superior at St. Michael’s College who served as the Director of Alumni Affairs in his retirement. The Fr. Robert Madden, CSB, Leadership Awards are presented to students who have made significant contributions to the University of St. Michael’s College community by demonstrating leadership, cooperation, and solidarity in student-run organizations or community endeavours.

November 18, 2021
Christeen Salik
June 23, 2021
Juliano Baggieri
Natalie Barbuzzi
Adam De Costa Gomes
Onagite Emakpor
Chiara Greco
Kyungmin (Jace) Lee
Victoria Lunetta
Nicole Machado
Taylor Medeiros
Nicholas Pagano
Chiara Perry
Sabrina Quartarone
Samantha Ramphal
Grusha Singh
Isabela Villanoy
Angela Zhou