News: September 2022

By Lisa Gleva, Executive Director of University Advancement

My husband and I took a road trip to the east coast over the summer. Our adventure took us through New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, and Newfoundland. Our time in Port aux Basques was one of the highlights. It’s shocking to see places that are in my memory, gone. My thoughts are with our neighbours in the aftermath of Fiona’s devastation.

September is a fantastic month at St. Mike’s. Students bring an energy that puts a bounce in everyone’s step. There’s a buoyancy. I was talking with John, groundskeeper extraordinaire. John is approaching retirement age but, after two years of a quiet campus, he is enjoying having the students around too much to leave just yet. I think we all feel the same.
So much work took place on Campus over the summer!

Elmsley Place is looking spiffy with new paving stones. It is now level and flat, and was the chosen surface for students to practice on in preparation for the bed race competition during frosh week. They came in first place!
The wellness centre in Elmsley Hall is complete and ready for yoga and mindfulness programming. This project was a high priority of the students last year and it’s great to see it complete.
Sorbara Hall has new flooring, beds and mattresses. Elmsley Hall too. The new bathrooms in Queens Park continue to be the ‘talk of the town’. Our residences have gone from kitschy to modern and, from what I hear, are among the nicest accommodations at U of T.
All of this progress is remarkable in the current climate. Contractors are scheduled beyond capacity, not to mention the challenges with supply lines. The commitment to students runs deep, not only with our staff, but with our partners.

We held the St. Mike’s Golf Classic for the first time since 2019 last week. It was overcast to start, and the weather forecast threatened rain and thunderstorms. Magically, the massive system parted and it was a beautiful day at Eagles Nest! Our sponsors and golfers were incredibly generous. Proceeds from this tournament support the President’s Excellence Fund, and it is because of this Fund that so many renovations and upgrades have been possible.
There’s so much going on this fall—check out the upcoming events in this newsletter, and please, join us!
In particular, the feast of St. Michael is this Thursday, September 29th. We look forward to holding our traditional Michaelmas celebration, in person, beginning at 12:10 pm with Mass at St. Basil’s followed by food and fellowship. Please come.